
NetGalley logo request, read and comment on upcoming titles

I joined a website called NetGalley last week.  Its where publishers list books that they have where they want people to review them. You can request a copy of the book from the publisher and if that request is approved you can download the book for free.  You then have to review it and let them know where your reviews are posted.

It sounds like a good way to get copies of some books that I might not have considered otherwise.  There are a lot of different publishers listed, some of them really big names and other smaller ones as well.  Some of them have conditions to release the books such if you are a blogger then you have to have a certain amount of traffic.  That ruled out a lot for me as my blog is still pretty small, I just don't have the time to read and review as much as I would like to.  I still found a couple of books that looked interesting and did not have as stringent reviewer guidelines so I think it will be worth it.

I will let you know in the review if it is a book that I got from NetGalley (or from any other free source) but please be assured that this will not influence my reviews.  Regardless of where the book comes from I will always give you my honest opinion about what I thought of the book.


  1. Hi Kiwigirl!

    First, I wanted to thank you for stopping by my blog the other day and talking about The Tribe. I love that show!

    I am your newest follower on your blog :)

    I am on netgalley too! It really is a great site. And you hit the nail on the head-- it's a great place to find books that you normally would not read. :)

    Best Wishes!

    Mia at The Muses Circle


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