
Hi, my name is Amy and I have started this blog to try and kick start my reading habits for this year.  I have become a bit lazy in the past couple of years and my reading has declined in favour of TV. I want to be able to keep track of what I have been reading, what I liked and did not like and share with you all what I find out. I read a wide range of books, really whatever catches my eye, I do however favor the fantasy genre in all its forms. For the past ten years or so since college I have been reading a lot of what has become know as Urban Fantasy.  Some of that blurs into Paranormal Romance and it is often hard to make a distinction but I usually divide it up by whether or not the romance is driving the action or if the romance is just a byproduct of the action. I have come to prefer the more action driven Urban Fantasy as they usually have a better storyline but I do read some of the romance ones. 

I will say right here and now I have not read Twilight and I will probably never read these books, I have picked up the first one and just really don't think it's for me. I have however watched the movies and although not really impressed its one of those opinion things. I have too many friends to count that are fans so I am not going to judge. I think that there are many better quality young adult Urban Fantasy books available to the discerning reader.

I do read many other genres also so I may review the odd book that is outside the Fantasy and Science Fiction realm. I like Action and Adventure, Thrillers and Crime and some Auto-biographies especially ones about people who have worked with animals.
